Monday, May 5, 2008

Combat Hand Foot Mouth Diseases|Avance Health Supplements|Best World Lifestyle

There are no specific treatment for HFMD, we have tailored product recommendations to greatly boost body immune systems with you and you childre in mind. We present our very own "Love Our Kids" package with consumption advice from our founder and nutritionist! It is also suitable for children below one year old.

The supplements are, V-Propolis, ImmunGain (Colostrum), BifiMax Excellent (Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus) and SangoCal (alkaline ionized calcium water).

-------------------Treatment---------================= Maintenance
--------------------Morning Afternoon Night =========Morning Night
V-Propolis --------40 drops 40 drops 40 drops=======20 drops -
ImmuGain --------1 capsule 1 capsule 1capsule ======1capsule -
SangoCal ----------1 stick ======================2 days 1 stick
BifiMax Excellent -1 stick ------------1 stick =========1 stick

Under 1 year old ! ---------Treatment ==================Maintenance
---------------------------Morning Night ==================Morning Night
V-Propolis -------------10 drops 10 drops =============== 5 drops -
ImmuGain -----------------------1capsule =================1capsule -
SangoCal ---------------1 stick ========================2 days 1 stick
BifiMax Excellent --------------1 stick ===================2 days 1 stick

For further supplement facts and consumption advice for treatment and maintenance programs, please contact Thong: 98274749,

Tips for prevention of HFMD:

- Allow the child to have adequate rest and sleep, drink plenty of water and stay in doors.
- It is important to practise good hygiene. Every family must remember to wash their hands, thoroughtly before and after contact with the child.

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